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These days, I am tring to slow down things and think what is the purpose of life...as ususal no idea...目瞪口呆
but I do realize it is getting diffcult to being open to others with your trivial things. people tend to care abt what is the best interest to them instead of listening to others....so why should I bother to tell them what do I think or care abt them? right?

Pinkdevil 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Feel like stuck in here without a chance to get out....in this crazy land, a place w/o justice, no future and no hope...
I can ignore all the craps and go on but I can't  

Pinkdevil 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It has been busy like nuts for three years...:(
finally Sir, A is leaving here...I become the lst one who still stays in terminal team...it is sad and frustrated to see everybody is leaving...espcially who has been support me for three and a half year......i know there is no future in here but i still stay...what can i do?Just work like zombie or straight my back and look ahead?.....time to see things clear and move on i think...Hope God give me strength!i am everywoman...

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