目前分類:健康 (10)

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Phony people around me.....
What can u say abt them? they just suck ur engergy and strength out then take them for granted...wish they can be the one in control..Bully!

Pinkdevil 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Hey..December is so not my month....

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These days my skin is so messed up...Rush, breakout, So I kind of assume because of stress and allergy. Today I determine to change Dermatologist, luckily she got in earlier and diagnose my skin is Urticaria. Need to get a shot and medication to "cure" it. Also, I need to come back next week and get follow-up checkup.不甘啜泣 so I guess i will under the influence of drug ~~become zombie

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Too many shady things~


Life is a box of chocolate....u never knows what u goanna get next....quoted from Forrest Gump...沉思

Well, but why I have to deal with crazy nuts daily and still need to smile it off....feel so overwhelmed by the BS flying all over at work place

Also, maybe getting older...my mood swings getting worse ~up and down like taking rollercoaster...

Moody, frustrated, bitter....what else can describe my miserable life??? Well.....only shopping and music can cheer me up...

But one good news is that Papa's biopsy turns out OK! Yeh......


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Really not my year,,,,
Had a miserable Bday month...This April.....真的沒這樣痛苦的牙痛 可能不知道 牙齒多重要

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Am I the problem girl? Listening to RT's song...make me understand...no matter what they have done or said... U r no problem at all:

Pinkdevil 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

it took me two hours to fix only 4 teeth...of course cost me 17000 just to add...BONE??

Pinkdevil 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

why everybody has nothing to do except checking on me?

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