So tired of this crappy world...

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Feel worthless again.......Taken over by Fear~what's right and what's real???????目瞪口呆

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The Fear Lyrics

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I will record few things here regarding Morakot typhoon caused chaos in Taiwan financially, politically and of course civial lives.
Boycott CNN! You have no rights to interfere with Taiwan internal affairs~Reponse to my comments in FB
為何一個外來媒體有資格來介入台灣的政治議題,加上很明顯風災的問題不是一兩天可以解決的,救災的緩慢都是透過媒體的呈現,試想風雨交加時,如果冒著生命危險,像那幾位已經罹難的警察及救難隊員出事後,有誰替她們打抱不平? 昨天我看到很多國軍在爛泥堆中尋找屍體的辛苦,我想這些國軍弟兄的父母如果看到自己孩子辛苦替國人付出不但不被認同還被質疑救災緩慢都會很心酸吧,今天體制上的問題難道過去李/扁政府就沒有問題嗎? 再說軍購這又是另一個議題,很多居心叵測的政客趁此機會把他拿出來混為一談!軍購就是當初再扁政府就被極力促成的案子之一,為何現在卻被說是馬政府想圖利美國的做法?

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"Nothing In My Way"

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These days, I am tring to slow down things and think what is the purpose of ususal no idea...目瞪口呆
but I do realize it is getting diffcult to being open to others with your trivial things. people tend to care abt what is the best interest to them instead of listening to why should I bother to tell them what do I think or care abt them? right?

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  In memory of King of POP~Michael Jackson~who is the spirits of my youth years...紅玫瑰


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Go ahead just leave, can't hold you, you're free
You take all these things, if they mean so much to you

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病厭厭Creepy Monday
June 15th, 2009

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